Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Does Avacor Hair Loss Treatment Really Work

Does Avacor Hair Loss Treatment Really Work?
Avacor hair loss treatment works well for some users but not all. 

In fact there is no product on the market that reduces hair loss or regrow hair for everyone who uses it, including those approved by the FDA. Natural substances such as Minoxidil and saw palmetto, the two main ingredients in Avacor hair loss treatment products, fail to produce great results for all users, although some users experienced benefits of some kind. 

The manufacturer states that not everyone suffering from male pattern baldness (or androgenic alopecia) will be helped by using Avacor hair loss treatment. With topical lotions and pills for an intensive baldness treatment plan, the company does offer a guarantee on its Avacor hair loss treatment products, provided specific criteria for the refund is met. Dihydrotestosterone, DHT  is  believed to be the culprit in causing androgenic alopecia in men and women and the claim is that the active ingredients in Avacor hair loss treatment products blocks DHT, slowing hair loss and promoting the growth of new hair. 

While hair loss is a part of the natural process, only about 90 per cent of a person’s hair is growing at any one time. The remaining 10 per cent is in a resting stage and in about three months falls out, allowing for growth from the same follicles. It is when the resting hair falls out and is not replaced that baldness occurs. Avacor hair loss treatment fights off the build up of DHT, which is said to prevent the growth of new hair. 

Not Everyone Responds to the Active Ingredient 

While Avacor hair loss treatment is not the only product containing the ingredient minoxidil, its results may be deemed similar to other topical applications on the market today. All hair loss products can only benefit a certain percentage of those suffering from male pattern baldness, and some receive no benefit from any product on the market. 

However, some users do experience success in either stopping hair loss or re-growing hair while using Avacor hair loss treatment and sing the product’s praises. Just like many cosmetic drugs and treatments, there has not been one developed that works for everyone, due to the individual physiology and genetic map inherited by each person.

Since Avacor hair loss treatmentis accompanied by a guarantee, it may be worth looking into as a hair loss treatment.

Hair Regrowth Blog

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New Hair Loss Treatment

New Hair Loss Treatment: Bringing Back Your Youthful Look 

Many people associate baldness with aging.  Although hair loss can happen at any stage in life, it does create an aging look.   

Some people unfortunately go bald in their early 30s or even younger. Being bald at this early age can be very distressing. In fact, for most men, going bald at any stage in life can be downright stressful. To bring back your hair and your youthful look, you may be interested in almost any new hair loss treatments.  However you have to take extra care in looking for the right option that suits you.

Finding the Right New Hair Loss Treatment for You

The best way to find the right hair loss treatment for you is to consult a medical doctor and hair loss specialist. These professional experts usually charge high fee, but it is always worth consulting one before you administer any type of treatment. Try not to experiment with some new hair loss treatment products on your own especially if you have a history of allergies.

Some new hair loss treatment products may contain ingredients that can irritate your scalp or cause some skin allergies. It doesn’t really matter if the label says that the product is hypoallergenic, if your scalp is naturally sensitive to certain substances, it is bound to react to these substances.

One Solution Won't Work for All
Different people may need different types of treatment. If a new hair loss treatment produces good effects on somebody you know, there is no guarantee that the same treatment will work wonders on your head. Not everyone will respond to a new hair loss treatment in the same manner. If you notice any adverse effects on your system, inform your doctor right away and stop that treatment.

When using a new hair loss treatment product, make sure that you follow the instructions from your doctor closely. Do not attempt to over use the product in the hope of hastening the process of hair growth. Also, do not attempt to use the product more often or longer than what has been prescribed. Some new hair loss treatments have undesirable side effects after prolonged use. There have been reports in the past of ugly hair growth on the face on people who have been using hair loss treatments. Hair growth on the face can be very scary.  No matter how dearly you want your hair back, it is always advisable to consult a professional for advice.
Hair Regrowth Blog

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hair Loss 90 Day Treatment

Hair Loss 90 Day Treatment With An All-Natural Product Named Procerin

The hair loss 90 day treatment of using Procerin has enabled men of any age and with different conditions of hair loss benefit greatly.

Almost a third of all males report having hair loss problem. As the problem is so common, the number of hair loss products available is growing rapidly, and not all are equal. There are products such wigs, toupees as well as hair dyes that cover up the areas on the head that are affected by hair loss. Some take medication or even encounter hair transplant. Some even choose to go bald. If baldness is not your choice and a 90 days sounds affordable, this article is written to provide further insights about the Procerin hair loss 90 day treatment.

Procerin Reduces Men’s Trauma Experience 

Hair loss in men can be traumatic, and so much time, effort and money is spent by them in searching for remedies.  For those who are looking for a natural solution, the use of Procerin is found to be very useful. It is a natural hair loss product which does not require a prescription and is a safe alternative to prescription hair loss treatments and is backed by a 90-day guarantee. This hair loss 90 day treatment is ideally suited for anyone wishing for a natural approach to their hair loss problems. 

Procerin hair loss 90 day treatment is available in tablets or as a topical solution that may be taken daily for treating male hair loss. This all-natural supplement does not require a prescription and it is greatly instrumental in reversing hair loss in men. The most common reason why men lose hair is due to a substance called androgenetic alopecia that causes the hair to thin and which is most evident in the receding hairlines that are seen on many male heads. 

Hair loss 90 day treatment with Procerin helps control the androgenetic alopecia levels of a chemical known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the scalp. DHT is an offshoot of male testosterone that controls the male characteristics and when these testosterones are transformed into DHT a person will suffer from hair loss. This hair loss 90 days treatment has certain active ingredients that block such transformation into DHT and thus helps in controlling hair loss.   

The wonder of it all is that this hair loss 90 day treatment does its business of blocking DHT and at the same time does not react with the testosterone as is the case with many other prescription medications. The end result is that it greatly reduces and may even succeed in halting any more loss of hair from the scalp, and it also does not interfere in the sexual characteristics of the male patient as may be the case with another prescription drug known as Propecia.

Procerin Tablets - Male Hair Growth Supplement -3 Month Supply (3 bottles - 90 tablets each) – Amazon price: $62.5


Saw Palmetto Berries, Gotu Kola, Nettles, Magnesium, Zinc Sulfate, Eleuthero Root, Vitamin B-6, Pumpkin Seed Meal, and Muira Puma Root.

Take 1 tablet with water each morning, and 2 tablets each night before sleeping. If stomach discomfort occurs, take with food.


Procerin is a vitamin for hair loss that is specially formulated to block production of DHT, the primary cause of hair loss in men. Procerin's benefits are greatest for younger men (18-35) and those whose hair is still in a growth phase. Men that still have growing hair experience an increase in hair count and improvement in both hairline and thinning at the crown of the their head. Men often begin losing hair in their 20's with hair loss progressing more rapidly as they age.


More about the Procerin 90 day hair loss treatment

Sunday, October 14, 2012

FDA Approved Hair Loss Treatment

Rogaine has been popular amongst men.  This FDA approved hair loss treatment has proven to be very effective when it comes to preventing as well as treating hair loss and is especially helpful when a person is in the early stages of balding. Rogaine helps stimulate hair growth and is even more effective when used together with Propecia which is instrumental in inhibiting DHT as well as genetic baldness.

Does It Work For Me?

Like may things in life, it may work for a group of people very well, but others had no response.  However the FDA approved Rogaine had recent estimated sales for some $700 million dollars!  Of course this could be a result of heavy advertising.  It would worth to find out more before giving it a try.

Men's Rogaine is for men who have a general thinning of hair on the top of the scalp (vertex only). Not intended for frontal baldness or a receding hairline.

Use at an Early Stage

It is recommended that one should use an FDA approved hair loss treatment as early as possible - when the condition is just beginning - so that medical therapy can work on the areas that are thinning and help in re-growing hair. Such means of using FDA approved hair loss treatments - whether it be Rogaine or Propecia - will also give better results when they are used along with hair transplants. This sometimes becomes necessary in case of more advanced stages of hair loss.

At the moment, Rogaine Minoxidil is the approved FDA hair loss treatment that was originally sold as a prescription drug. A little later, this approved FDA hair loss treatment drug changed and became available over the counter in 1996. This relatively easy accessibility has resulted in it becoming more popular for both men as well as women. This change also suggests that this approved FDA hair loss treatment drug does not have any of the serious side effects associated with it earlier though skin irritation is a side effect still affecting users.

A new version named Rogaine Minoxidil Foamhas now hit the market and seems to have solved the remaining side effects as well. It is also very easy to apply on the scalp in much the same way that a person uses shaving cream or foam to shave. However, containing just 5 per cent Minoxidil, this new formulation should be used by the male populace only.

Hair Loss Treatments Outlook

The last decade has seen many improvements in hair loss treatment techniques being developed and in the coming decades there is expected to be even more developments with cloning of hair being a focus in future developments.

Also, the approved FDA hair loss treatment drug such as Rogaine is not  whole scalp hair loss treatment, but work best on the head’s crown as well as mid-scalp area. At the temples or in a receding hairline scenario it is not quite as effective. In spite of this, it is still a very popular approved FDA hair loss treatment and recent estimates indicate that its sales account for some $700 million dollars!  Surely there must be satisfied customers to support the sales figure, although heavy advertising may also be responsible.  Before trying, click hereto view some customer reviews.

Hair Regrowth Blog - FDA Approved Hair Loss Treatment